Quality, Expediant & Reasonably Priced Valuation & Measurement       Services

As a Certied General CA Appraiser, I have the extensive know-how and credentials to produce high-level, credible Real Estate Valuation and provide certified Home Measurement Services;  Over 47 years of experience appraising all types of Property, throughout San Diego County, Contact me for a no -obligation consultation;

Leading Appraisal Expert for:

  • Primary and Secondary Mortgages
  • Private Mortgage Insurance Removal
  • Estate Planning
  • Divorce Settlement
  • Reduction Of Tax Assessment 
  • Retrospective Valuations
  • Home Measurement / Floorplan Services
  • Litigation
  • Expert Witness
  • Consultation Services

Robert Kopaniasz Appraisals

Southern California, Specializing in San Diego and Orange Counties;

Recent Market Fluctations has resulted in increased demand for his :

Tax Assessment Reduction Analysis

ANSI Home Measurement Specialist Services

I'm always mindful of providing the best experience possible and let me prove to you the difference. Call me today @ 619-316-7734 for a free consultation;

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Property Taxes Too High?

It's often been said that "there's nothing certain in life except death and taxes." But you may be able to save money on property taxes by having your home appraised properly. Please fill out the form below and we’ll send you more information, with no obligation. We guarantee your privacy.
