leftCalifornia Real Estate Tax Assessment Appeal Services;

Most localities determine your Real Estate Property Tax bill, based on the " According To Value " of the Property.

Initially it's tax is based on it's Purchase Price; Each subequant year it's increases is NO more than 2% of the rate inflation, however based on current market date, if you purchased a Property within the last 3 years, unfortunutly  it's market value has declined, as should it's assessment;

I'd appreciate the oppurtunity to review your specifics for a complimentary consultion ( All I need is your Property Address ) and give you my interpertation as to the direction of your Properties Value as of January 1st 2022 in relationship to when it was purchased, and or it's "Assessed Value " as of January 1st, 2022.

Unfortunutly, Current San Diego County Property Values have experienced a  "slowing" of prior appreciation and declined year over year in many cases;

I've help San Diego County residents, save " Substantial Tax Reduction Payments " over $10,000 or more based on January 1st, 2022

If warranted to proceed, I can handle all filings, submissions and hearings as required, for a small percentage fee based on " reduced tax peyment reduction" by the client;

Be assured that I professionally testify and submit all documentation within any appeal hearings;

look foward to continued providening my valuation services and please call 619-316-7734 or Bokop7@Gmail.com details;